Friday, September 27, 2013

Lee Rigby: Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale deny murder

Suspects charged with murdering Rigby close to Woolwich barracks in May, will remain in custody until trial begins on 18 November 
Fusilier Lee Rigby
Fusilier Lee Rigby was killed outside Woolwich barracks in south London on 22 May. Photograph: MoD/PA
The two men accused of murdering a soldier in broad daylight near Woolwich barracks have pleaded not guilty to the killing.
Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale are charged with murdering Lee Rigby in May in what the authorities claim was a terrorist act.
Rigby, 25, was attacked as he returned to Woolwich barracks in south London.
At a pre-trial hearing on Friday at the Old Bailey in central London, both men entered pleas to the murder charge for the first time since their arrest.
Adebowale, 22, from Greenwich, south-east London, is accused of murdering Rigby on 22 May and possessing a firearm, a 9.4mm KNIL model 91 revolver.
Adebolajo, 28, from Romford, Essex, is also accused of Rigby's murder, the attempted murder of two police officers, and possession of a firearm with intent to cause others to believe that violence would be used.
Adebolajo asked to be called Mujahid Abu Hamza. Adebowale has asked to be referred to as Ismail Ibn Abdullah during proceedings.
In court were relatives of Fusilier Rigby, the father of a two-year-old son.
Both defendants appeared by video link and were seated during the pre-trial hearing. Adebolajo wore a maroon T-shirt while Adebowale was in a red sweatshirt.
Both men spoke only to confirm their identities and to enter their pleas to the total of six charges they face.
They will remain in custody until their trial which the judge, Mr Justice Sweeney, has scheduled to begin on 18 November at the Old Bailey.
At the time of the attack, Rigby was attached to the regimental recruiting team and was on his way back to barracks in Woolwich from a shift working at the Tower of London.

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